Generate CRUD in php

Recently, i’ve worked on an old PHP project trying to quickly add some new features to the application. As part of this task, i am supposed to write code that performs basic CRUD operations on a MySQL  table. Having achieved this like a charm using Rails, i’ve wondered if i can do scaffolding even in php. With some quick googling i’ve came across the service PHPScaffold.

PHP Scaffold is an online utility where you can quickly generate your CRUD scaffold pages for PHP and MySQL. Follow the below steps to generate the scaffold pages.

  1. Create the table of your interest in the MySQL database.
  2. Copy the export SQL queries for the table.
  3. Visit PHPScaffold and paste the export SQL in the big text area on the homepage.
  4. Rename the scaffold pages that are to be created (Default is always fine).
  5. Click on “Make my pages” button to create the scaffold pages.
  6. There is no next step.

Happy coding 🙂

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