Tagged with Rails

Using html entities in Ruby

HTML character entities are used to display reserved characters in a web page. The entire list of character entity references can be found here. Sometimes you may want to use HTML entities inside your ruby code. This is where gem htmlentities comes into picture. This is a simple library to facilitate encoding and decoding of … Continue reading

Displaying Indian Rupee sign in rails views

The Indian Rupee sign (₹) is the currency sign for India. Though its relatively new, its been widely used to display indian currency on web. Various solutions facilitate the usage of this new symbol on web such as Webrupee trying to make it  first class citizen in the currency world. The Unicode technical committee accepted the … Continue reading

Useful Ruby on rails Articles

Rails continues to be popular and for someone to get start a good tutorial might be the difference. Ruby on rails has a rich ecosystem with extensive documentation online. In this post find useful Ruby / Ruby on rails online resources in no particular order. I will update this post whenever i find a good … Continue reading

Rails tips | Part 1

I would like to share in this series of posts all the beauty of rails i’ve come across till date. To know different options while creating a rails application To create a rails application with a specific rails version Using to_param for SEO friendly slugs To re-load console with the data created in the session. … Continue reading

Installing Ruby and Rails on Ubuntu using RVM

In my previous post i’ve explained how to setup the ecosystem for Ruby on Rails on ubuntu 12.10. That includes installing Ruby, Rails, Gems and other necessary packages which lessen the pain while working with Ruby. The Ruby ecosystem is very dynamic and you will come across latest versions of the software every now and … Continue reading

Setting up Ruby on Rails in Ubuntu 12.04

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, code named as Precise Pangolin is the latest release from Ubuntu getting rave reviews from both users and critics. There are many reasons to love this version be it thousands of free apps, free upgrades for life, enhanced security, features like HUD, Video lens and above all Unity interface replacing traditional GNOME. … Continue reading